Monday, March 22, 2010


Are you kidding me?

Nope, vet's orders.  No fetch for at least 4 weeks.

Our poor fetch loving pooch needs to rest her back leg.  She originally hurt it a couple months ago when She was playing fetch with Ryan.  Although we didn't know it was hurt until later that night when she could barely get off her bed and limped around the house.  We thought maybe she had just pulled a muscle or something so we didn't play fetch with her for a couple weeks.  She got back to normal and was walking and playing around the house just like normal.  Then another game of fetch and she was back to limping again. We let her rest again, but after running she always seemed to limp.  

So this morning Ryan took our furry little girl to the vet.  That's when the bad news was delivered.  Syd may have a partially torn ligament in her leg.  So no fetch, running or even long walks for 4 weeks.  Not only did she get the worst news ever she also got a few shots and a thermometer in her hind-quarters.  Poor girl!

I'm pretty sure she is going to hate us so much during the next 4 weeks.
Especially on sunny days like today!


Anastasia said...


Jack said...

Oh noes! Poor Sydney. Can't a girl just get her fetch on?