Friday, November 11, 2011

Today I am thankful for . . .


We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
-Cynthia Ozick

I am thankful for the men and women who fight for the freedom I enjoy every day!  Throughout history many brave men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and I am incredibly grateful for their service and sacrifice.  Many others have gone to war and come home to a world and a life that will never be the same as when they left.   Their sacrifice must also be recognized as it is one which they will be reminded of forever.  We cannot forget that every day men and women put on their uniforms and put their lives on the line for our freedom.

I was reading an article this morning in the Washington Post about today's Google Doodle and the author, Michael S. Cavna, had an interesting point about the significance of today's veterans day.  Here is what he had to say.

"Veterans Day — then called Armistice Day — was proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919 to mark the end of World War I. Those fascinated with the numerology of today’s 11-11-11 date might do well to remember: World War I’s major fighting ceased when Germany signed the Armistice in 1918 — on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month."

Being a big palindrome fan I love that this year Veteran's Day falls on 11-11-11!

Be sure to thank the veterans in your life!


top photo from The Big Picture

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